Reflections on Germany: where are all of the sheep?
We started writing this a few days ago, but after a few long days on the bikes and full evenings chatting with WarmShowers hosts we are only now getting round to posting this... After 14 nights in Germany, including 10 nights with WarmShowers hosts, we are now leaving Germany for the last time to head south into Austria. We didn't intend to spend this long in Germany, but we've had such a great time, and everyone has been so welcoming, we thought we'd extend the route through Bavaria and we're very glad we did! The Bavarian Alps isn't that common a destination for British tourists (in our experience at least!), and following the last few days we don't really understand why. What the region lacks in height relative to the neighbouring Swiss and Austrian Alps, it more than makes up for in quiet serene roads, friendly hospitality and plentiful beautiful lakes to swim in. Mary next to one of many beautiful lakes we cycled by/swam in Beaut...