Wrapping up our Ecuadorean adventure with a trip to the Amazon rainforest
At 7am in the morning, after being on a bus for eight hours, with three more to go, we admit to having had a few doubts about whether the rainforest will be worth the drive. Not only does the journey involve an eleven hour bus ride from Quito, but it's followed by a three hour ride on a motorised canoe. It is a long way from civilisation! We needn't have worried. As soon as we were on the canoe, we began to relax and enjoy the rainforest environment. We saw pink dolphins, toucans, flying monkeys and kingfishers all on that first ride. When we arrived, rather tired, at Nicky Amazon Lodge, our home for the next four nights, we were pleased by how comfortable it all looked. There were a number of thatched (with palm leaves) cottages, with mesh walls, around a courtyard. It was all very peaceful. There were about ten of us staying there, with four Dutch people (we continue to be impressed by their travelling prowess), two Danish, one German and an Israeli. I love finding out littl...